Margin Loan Rates Comparison

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IBKR Clients Have Access to the Lowest Margin Rates1

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AUD Margin Loan Rates Comparison2

AUD 50K AUD 100K AUD 250K AUD 500K
Interactive Brokers (No Surcharge)3,4,5 5.993% 5.993% 5.793% 5.643%
Interactive Brokers (Surcharge)3,5,6 6.993% 6.993% 6.793% 6.643%
Westpac Online 8.35% 8.35% 8.35% 8.35%
NABTrade 9.00% 9.00% 8.75% 8.65%
St.George Bank 10.33% 10.33% 10.08% 9.83%
Bell Direct 9.90% 9.90% 9.90% 9.90%
Webull 10.350% 10.350% 10.350% 10.350%

Each firm's information reflects the standard online margin loan rates obtained from their respective websites. Competitor rates and offers subject to change without notice. Services vary by firm.

Other currency margin loans available at comparably low rates.

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  1. According to Interactive Brokers Review: Read the full article Online Broker Reviews, January 29, 2025. "Interactive Brokers continues to lead with unbeatable margin rates, a significant advantage for active and professional traders."
  2. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on AUD margin loan balances as of December 30, 2024. IBKR calculates the interest charged on margin loans using the applicable rates for each interest rate tier listed on its website. Rates subject to change. For additional information on margin loan rates, visit our website.
  3. IBKR calculates the interest charged on margin loans using the applicable rates for each interest rate tier listed on its website. For additional information, visit our website. Under some commission plans, overnight carrying fees may apply.
  4. The standard rate (i.e. without IBAU surcharge) applies for non-retail (wholesale or professional investor) clients of IBKR Australia, excluding non-retail natural person clients of IBKR Australia (wholesale or professional investor) with a Standard Margin Lending Facility.
  5. IBAU customers are only able to hold and borrow supported currencies. Foreign exchange conversion fees will apply to convert margin loan balances drawn down for purchases denominated in unsupported currencies. Visit our Knowledge Base for more information.
  6. For all retail clients of IBKR Australia and non-retail (wholesale or professional investor) natural person clients of IBKR Australia with a Standard Margin Lending Facility), an additional spread ("IBAU Surcharge") will be added to the standard rates in all tiers. The IBAU Surcharge is currently 1% for borrows in AUD and 2% on all other borrowings. Visit our Knowledge Base for more information on margin accounts under IBKR Australia, as well as our Knowledge Base for more information on regulatory status under IBKR Australia.

Pursuant to Part 7.8A of the Corporations Act 2001, Interactive Brokers Australia Pty. Ltd. has prepared the following target market determinations relating to certain financial products for which it is deemed to be the issuer. Our Target Market Determinations are located here: Target Market Determinations.

Product Disclosure Statements are also available for each of these products. If applicable, you should carefully consider these Disclosures in deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the relevant financial product.